Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things I’ve learned lately…

• I know much less than I thought I did

• I can handle a lot more than I think I can

• The more I act like a martyr or victim, the more my son feels like he’s a burden

• I need to teach my community how to support me and my family. They want to, they just don’t know how

• I can’t do it alone and I cheat my boys and friends when I try

• Fair doesn’t mean everyone should get the same, it means everyone deserves to get what they need. Everyone doesn’t need the same thing

• Life can change in just minutes with new information

• The more I beat myself up, the worse I perform

• I don’t have to do more than my best

• What I focus on expands- good or bad

• When I play to my strengths, I am more successful

• Everyone has a story

• We ALL have special needs

• “Fake it till you make it” actually works

• It could always be better, but it could always be worse

• The more I need it to go my way, the less it does

• I’ve spent a lot of time worrying about things I now can’t even recall

• Authentically connecting with others means so much more than accomplishments

• Sometimes when I thought things were ending, they weren’t. They were only changing